Posts Tagged ‘abuse’
15 results.
└ Tags: abuse, cakes, cars, food, robots, stick figures, violence, watercolor, world's most shittiest robot
He’s also the most worst at grammar. I cracked myself up at this the entire time I was drawing it. I hope you find it as funny!
Little is the man that uses violence to prove his position.
Tell someone if you’re being abused in any way.
Yes, I went to church camp once. No, it was not fun. Yes, there were group showers. No, it was not fun.
This comic contains massive hyperbole.
I’m pretty sure THIS is the darkest comic I’ve ever made. The wife helped with it. So, you know. I won’t be alone in hell.
If you’re interested in the way this comic was made, head on over here to see a process gif of the comic.
└ Tags: abuse
I’m pretty sure bees don’t look like that.
Some guys just can’t catch a break.