Archive for ‘January, 2012’
I’m pretty sure bees don’t look like that.
Some guys just can’t catch a break.
A couple of weeks ago on Twitter Kris Straub posted some of those silly formspring questions. This one (below) reminded me that I had some ideas which would fit perfectly in the chainsawsuit style.
Man, I wish someone would do a parody of my stuff. I think that good, strong parody, even when cruel, indicates a level of attention paid or care that is rare. It really is about distilling the most familiar traits of a thing, then putting them on display in a clever way. It’s an essay. It’s a form of criticism, which can be corrective or supportive. No one has done it to me, I think, because no one thinks enough of my work.
I’m not quite sure if this is parody or not as, from my point of view, it would fit right in on his site. If I had drawn it better. It is pretty obvious that I didn’t practice drawing in that style, but I figured, “they’re just fat stick figures and I’m decent at them!” My linework could be a bit thicker, but I have terrible anxiety about drawing thick lines. Any time the line became thicker (due to the pressure-sensitivity) I screamed a bit in my head and erased.
The magic internet fairies show me that there are approximately 10 awesome people visiting this site. The other 5 are probably me from various devices. I can’t help it, I think I’m funny.
As you now see, directly below the comic, there are some sort of social buttons. They appear to work. So if you’ll do me a favor and use ’em on your favorite comics, that would be great.
Ever so much do I hope you’ll join me @StewPed on Twitter, as well. I do my very best to be offensively funny just for you.
Turns out the first movie was just a nightmare she had before this happened the next day. What a twist!
I sincerely hope you find this as funny as I did.
When I started it in 2009.
I only know that due to the little copyright text I placed in the photoshop file back when I saved it as a PSD. It has been so long since I’ve colored anything that I am drastically doubting my color skill. Especially after seeing this and this. Ugh. Such good coloring. Gigi’s tip was to desaturate the image in photoshop after it was colored and if the values aren’t all muddy, it’s fairly successful. I did that and, if you prefer, here is the black and white version.
I don’t have a million hours to make this look any better, so it is finally “done.”
I just wanted you to see that stripper’s ass in light like a strip club would have.